Wednesday, June 27, 2012

always feel like I'm catching up

Okay, so before I post loads of photos from our awesome summer, I feel the need to complete our Spring 2012 outings, events and such. After all, this is a sort of yearbook, if you will, of the Lieb's Lovely Adventures! I want to be able to use this blog as a guide to document our lives and one day, when he can sit still long enough, show Bennett photos from his younger days as a wee little lad.

Our Easter 2012 was a very fun and inquisitive time for sweet Bennett. He took to finding hidden eggs very quickly, but couldn't put them in the basket right away. No, oh no, he had to stop at each egg, drop the basket, give the egg a shake, shake, shake, and if it rattled a noise inside he was tearing open that egg as fast as he could! It was very cute to see him go from one egg to the next with the anticipation of more candy and excitement stuffed inside.

This year Bennett helped host the 2nd Annual Easter Egg Hunt benefitting the Family Readiness Program of families who have loved ones away on tour. Another great turn out this year and another absolutely beautiful day on Mobile Bay. It was such a fun time with friends and family. The kiddos played hard in their beautiful smocked and french hand sewn clothing, while the parents dabbled in tastes of wine and appetizers throughout the afternoon. We are already looking forward to next year's Easter Egg Hunt and raising money for those families who are missing their loved ones. What a great service those men and woman are doing for each and everyone of us.

Wells and Skip playing in the park - 04.01.12

Sweet Gee!

Skip and Sadie - 04.01.12

Ella Gray and Sadie


Miss Currie

Sweet Leigh - amazing doesn't sum up the awesomeness this gal has :)

Russell and William Buster

B running from William - trying to protect his eggs

Frank's first black eye :(

William's eyes equal gorgeous

Stella taking off with someone's basket!
She makes me laugh!

Gracie and Anna Reese

No more photos, Mom, seriously - 04.01.12, 19 mnths

Look who made an appearance... Sweet Jay!

Our second Easter Egg Hunt took place at sweet Gordon Denniston's 3rd Birthday Party, complete with the appearance of the actual Easter Bunny! You want to talk about some kiddos that were freaked out - haha! Bennett got to experience his first time in a jumpy (moonwalk) and we literally had to climb inside to get him out... needless to say, he loved it!

Love William's expression in this one! - 04.07.12, 19 mths

Mary Frances, Frank IV and Frank

Bennett and Frank in action - 04.07.12, 19 mths

Happy 3rd Birthday, Gordon!

The Busters and the Bunny!

Frank was not having anything to do with the EBunny.

Surprisingly enough, B was not scared. Hesitant, but not crying.

He shared one of his eggs

And the Easter Bunny returned it to his basket

Bennett making sure he didn't sneak anymore

Best we could do with this many rascals :)

When we got home that afternoon we were exhausted but it was around 5:30 and almost time for dinner. So we called Francy, JoJo, Lolli and Pop to invite them to Moe's BarBQue to have a beer and some good food. While we were waiting for them to venture to Daphne, we had fun just hanging out on the back deck playing with our favorite munchkin.

Love it when he laughs so hard he has to bend over - 04.07.12

Love them :)


Documenting his beautiful hair and curls - 04.07.12

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine :)

And our third and final Easter egg hunt took place on Easter morning. What a beautiful morning it was! We had to wake up Bennett, of course, because he was snoozing away while Jon and I are dying with anticipation once we saw the Easter Bunny had dropped by. Bennett was so cute seeing all of his goodies. With his bed head hair and still sleepy, squinty eyes, he managed to take everything out of the basket one by one, examining treat after treat and holding it up for us to see. He was so proud! 

New swimsuit and beach towel for summer!

Lots of jammies for this growing boy :)

Pinwheels rank extremely high on his love list

Max & Ruby movie - his FAV! - 04.08.12, 19 mnths

- 04.08.12, 19 mnths

After looking over all of the goodies, we made our way outside to see if the Easter Bunny left any eggs... and he did!

Shake, shake, shake!

Don't mind if I do :)

I love this Ham Sandwich!

A lil shake and dance


The Easter Bunny left this momma a Diet Coke since she gave it up for Lent.
Caffeine PLEASE!

During Easter breakfast of Reese's Pieces and Oatmeal, we also had to watch
our Max & Ruby movie from the Easter Bunny! - 04.08.12, 19 mnths

After our egg hunt we started to get dressed for eleven o'clock service. Jon was hopping in the shower while I was getting things cleaned up from the morning when I heard what I thought was two gun shots. Scary. I ran outside on the front porch and didn't see anything. Next thing you know we got a knock on the front door... It was Thomas Gambill (10 years old) from next door frantically shouting to come help his dad. I ran outside and Tom (the dad) was yelling to go find Nancy (the mom) who was out walking in the neighborhood because Thomas' twin, Ben, was attacked by a dog while riding his bicycle in front of his house. I jumped in my car and after about ten minutes of riding around I found Nancy and took her back to the house where we found police cars, a firetruck and an ambulance. I'm pretty sure Nancy suffered a mild heart attack when we pulled onto the street and saw all the flashing red lights :( To jump ahead, Ben was okay. Just a lot of open wounds on his back and sides that needed to be cleaned out because of infection. Thomas came over to our house while Ben was at the hospital. He was so sweet in worrying for his brother and he just hoped that Ben wouldn't always be scared of dogs from now on :) When they returned from the hospital we got the full story of what happened and why we heard gun shots. When Ben ran inside crying after being attacked, he was also being chased by the dog. Tom jumped up frantically and ran to the doorway to get the dog to go away. The dog was so aggressive that he was lunging at Tom, so he grabbed his pistol nearby and shot at the dog so he could get Ben and assess the situation. (The dog was fine and the police ended up catching him two hours later and taking him to animal control). I couldn't imagine how Tom felt. Don't want to imagine. I have known Tom for six years now and I have never seen that look on his face before. He was so upset about Ben. But fortunately everyone was okay, especially Ben. So needless to say while all that was going on we missed Easter Sunday service. But I'm pretty sure the Good Lord had us right where he needed us to be and was watching over the Gambill's that morning.

We headed over to the Lieb's house for Easter lunch! And of course shared the dog attack story with everyone - the awe of what just went down was still flowing through our blood.

Bennett and Emilynn - 04.08.12, 19 mnths


And we are OVER it.

After lunch at the Lieb's we ventured over to the Rice's for more Easter Basket surprises and dinner with the family.

B got a toothbrush that sang Peter Cottontail and insisted on
brushing his teeth all night long while playing the music!

Miller took a dip before dinner, of course.

And Bennett fed Ms. Jean a lovely appetizer of Goldfish :)

Easter 2012 was a wonderful time for us. Shared with tons of family and friends. Thanks for the fun times and memories we made with each and every one of you!